Juntos Avanzamos ("Together We Advance") is a designation for credit unions committed to serving and empowering Hispanic and immigrant consumers - helping them navigate the U.S. financial system and providing safe, affordable and relevant financial services. Learn more about the Juntos Avanzamos designation.

Juntos Avanzamos-Accredited Credit Union
CapEd Credit Union's Commitment:
As a Juntos Avanzamos designated credit union, Caped has shown that we are committed to:
- Employing bilingual, culturally-competent staff and leadership
- Accepting alternative forms of ID regardless of immigration status
- Collaborating with organizations that support the Hispanic Community
- Providing products and services that meet the Hispanic Community's needs including the creation of the CapEd ITIN Lending Program
- Website Translation
CapEd has a dedicated Spanish Speaking staff ready to assist the fast growing Latino community in the Treasure Valley, Magic Valley and surrounding areas.
ITIN Lending
We believe in the importance of providing comprehensive financial support to all members of our community, including those with Individual Taxpayer Identification Numbers (ITINs). We understand that financial inclusion is crucial for the well-being and success of our diverse community.
Learn more about ITIN lendingSupporting Local Communities
CapEd has proudly supported local community events and initiatives that directly help the Hispanic Community.
Partnerships include:
- Educational kiosk through the Mexican Consulate
- Membership with the Hispanic Chamber of Commber and Southern Hispanic Chamber of Commerce
- Asesores de Confianza radio segment providing free local resources from Trusted advisors